We are people of vision

With strongly held values

That are worth defending


This is our home

There’s a place at the table for you, a place where your voice can be heard and you can make an impact in your world. We invite you to attend a meeting of MCTNGOP. Here’s betting it’s not what you assumed it would be.

We are people of principle.

We are people of principle. We possess strongly held values, and we believe these ideals are worth protecting. (You do too, or you wouldn’t be here on this website.) Our nation was birthed in steep resistance against bureaucratic control, and today, we have no intention of giving back the freedoms that we earned so dearly. We use all measures of government to protect vulnerable life, to support parental rights and responsibilities, and to advocate for policies that uphold biology, decency and common sense. We’d love to have you join us. 

Simple, but not Easy.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.”
―Winston Churchill


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