2025 Reorganization Information

To all members of the Maury County Republican Party:

The CEC met on January 2 to set a date for the 2025 MCRP Re-Organization Election. We selected February 6 as the primary date with February 13 as an alternate. Over the last several years, demand for the Memorial Building has significantly increased so we had to find a different location for the meeting. Fortunately, Lighthouse Church stepped up and has allowed us to use their building. You may remember, this is the location where Trevor Loudon spoke to us last year.

Pursuant to the newly revised Tennessee Republican Party By-Laws, please see the details of the meeting and election below:

1. The MCRP Reorganization meeting will be held, Thursday, February 6, 2025 at Lighthouse Baptist Church, 2000 Williamsport Pike, Columbia, TN doors open at 4:30pm and the meeting will begin at 6:00pm.

2. For more information, you may contact County Chairman Jerry Bridenbaugh at jabridenbaugh@charter.net or Contest and Credentials Committee Chairman Brady Carr, braca301@gmail.com.

3. Under TRP Rule E, Section 5, in order to attend and participate in the Reorganization, you may pre-register for participation in the County Reorganization Convention by going to 2025 County Party Reorganizations – Tennessee Republican Party or using the QR Code

It is advisable to pre-register because anyone failing to pre-register who is determined not to be qualified in accordance with TRP Rule E will not be allowed to participate in the County Reorganization Convention. A “qualified participant” is defined as an individual who

  • a)     is properly registered to vote in the county in which the County Reorganization Convention is being conducted; and,
  • b)    has voted in at least three (3) of the four (4) most recent statewide Republican primary elections in which he is eligible to vote; or,
  • c)     Younger Republicans who may not have been of legal age for three primary elections must obtain prior approval from a majority of the SEC members that represent a senatorial district in the county, in whole or part

4.  Any bona fide Republicans interested in running for County Party Chairman must submit their names and contact information (Name, address, phone number & email address) to the Contest and Credentials Committee at least seven (7) calendar days before the County Reorganization Convention. The members of the Committee and their e-mails are:

  • Brady Carr, Chairman – braca301@gmail.com
  • Roger Mashburn –
  • Randy Notely –
  • Scott McGlashan –
  • Debra Davis –

5. Under TRP Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 5 the qualifications for individuals who wish to run for County Party offices are:

  • County Party Chairman:
  •  1.  Any individual who is actively involved in the Tennessee Republican Party, his County Republican Party, or any recognized auxiliary organization of either; and resides and is registered to vote in said county; and
  • 2.  Any individual who has voted in the last three (3) Statewide Republican primaries in his county of residence during those primary elections. Younger Republicans who may not have been of legal age for three primary elections must obtain approval from the State Chairman;
  • For other voting officers as defined in the County Party Bylaws:
  • 1.  Any individual who is actively involved in the Tennessee Republican Party, his County Republican Party, or any recognized auxiliary organization of either; and resides and is registered to vote in said county; and
  • 2.  Any individual who has voted in three (3) of the last four (4) Statewide Republican primaries in his county of residence during those primary elections. Younger Republicans who may not have been of legal age for three primary elections must obtain approval from the State Chairman.

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