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January 2023 Meeting Minutes

1 Feb 2023 11:46 AM | Brady Carr (Administrator)

Maury County Republican Party

Membership Meeting

Memorial Building

January 26, 2023

Debbie Matthews opened the meeting and invited Joan Masterson to offer a prayer.  Joan told a story about someone she knew who had recently been arrested for his participation in the January 6th event.

Kim Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Debbie recognized all elected officials and asked them to stand. 

Debbie advised the membership of a few current events.  She then invited Mr. Phil Schwenk to explain charter classical education schools and Hillsdale College’s proposal.  He advised that he is meeting with Maury County School Board to promote classical education and offering letters of support from your local citizens.  Kindergarten through 5th grades would be the first phase, but eventually would include middle and high school students.  He explained that these charter schools are public schools, and how the financial allotment for each student will follow each student to the charter school.  He explained the back ground, goals, and what is involved in classical education curriculum.

Debbie informed the members of the recent activities of Chairwoman of the Republican Party, Ronna McDaniel, and her bid for re-election as Chair on January 27.  Mike Lindell, and Harmett Dhillion are also candidates for the Chair position.   Debbie discussed the differences in each candidate and then did a quick show of hands from the MCRP members.  Harmett Dillion had the most votes from the audience.  Debbie advised that the 168 SEC members will go to vote for our next Chair and for the MCRP members to let their representatives know of their preference.  Tennessee’s Committee men and woman are, Scott Golden, Oscar Brock, and Beth Campbell.  She advised the crowd to make it clear that the MCRP does not “want to go along to get along.”

Debbie said that March 22, 2023 is the date set aside for our next reorganization of the MCRP.  It will be held on a regularly scheduled monthly meeting.  She told the members that the main job of the EC was to grow the membership and raise money.  Qualification for a candidate would be do they regularly attend all meetings and have they volunteered for events, (First Fridays, club activities, etc.)

She briefly explained the duties of each Executive Committee member, and then explained some of the by-laws regarding voting requirements for candidates.  Candidates for Chair must send notification to Recording Secretary Sandy Henson’s email address ( at least 7 days before the August 22, 2023 reorganization date. Residency, payment of dues, and voting record are some of the requirements explained.  Other officers can be nominated from the floor on reorganization day.

Debbie read a printed statement signed by the Executive Committee to advise and clarify any questions regarding a recent lawsuit between 2 members of MCRP.  No names or details were mentioned.  (See attached Statement) She went through the history of the lawsuit and explained how the EC became involved via subpoena.  She informed the members of the cost of a lawyer was $14,400.00.  She then explained how the EC worked for 152.5 hours researching and documenting all information required by the subpoena.  The EC received permission from State of Tennessee Republican Party Comptroller, Troy Brewer, to use MCRP general funds to pay this debt.  The EC has already paid $7000.00 and will pay the rest as money comes in.  She pointed out that the EC has raised money in the past and are committed to do so again.  She recapped the statement regarding hours spent by the EC members and reiterated that if and when the EC members receive any compensation for their time, all those monies will go into the MCRP general account.

Kathey pointed out that she, as Treasurer, did not use PAC money for the $7000 check.

Questions were asked and answered from the floor.

The meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandy Henson

Recording Secretary

Republican Women of Maury County

Republican National Committee

Copyright 2023 - Maury County Republican Party. All rights reserved. All images and text are the property of the original creator or the Maury County Republican Party and may not be used without its permission.

Maury County Republican Party, 627 S James Campbell Blvd #333, Columbia, TN 38401